Sunday, August 9, 2009

My horizontal life-a collection of one night stands

This probably could be the title of my blog had Chelsea Handler not taken the name first. I know I have plugged her other book before too, but I just finished her other one. Awesome book! Yeah I know other people are so into that whole Twilight series, not this girl right here, I prefer to read stories that mimic my life. Go fourth and read!

Alright enough pushing books on you. On to my somewhat interesting week-weekend..

Tuesday: While contiplating sticking one of my pens in my eye while I'm at work (bad work week) I got a text from CBB. We had talked Monday night briefly and he told me how he was doing and what not. He text me asking if I wanted to pick cucumbers in his dad's garden. I'm sure many of you are saying "umm really? That sounds kind of lame-o" but honestly, being able to do something simple like that is fine with me. I hadn't seen him in a few weeks so it would be nice to just chill. And with his injury there isn't much he can do aside from sit and watch tv.

Of course on my way to his dad's house I took two wrong turns, which I quickly corrected, but if anyone knows anything about me, it was a sure sign I needed to invest in a GPS unit ASAP! When I got to his place we sat around and talked for a bit and then he mentioned that he checked the cucumber status in the garden and there aren't any in there. Umm okie dokie so onto plan B we decided to watch a movie.

Now, he picked the movie, which was a bad version of that Brad Pitt movie Fight Club. I liked Fight Club a lot. While the movie he had wasn't bad, it was just a strange strange movie for us to watch. It was filled with tons of sex scenes (not a porno though)...well what happens when you are watching a movie w/ a guy you are dating and watching?!!?!? YEAH. Except he can't fool around right now due to his injury. *sigh* Then he decided to take one of his pain pills which then of course turned him into a drunk. Great. A drunk guy. Even more fun is that I wasn't on any sort of pill. While this pill makes him act drunk it also makes him sleepy. So, by 9:30 I was walking out the door, because I had enough fun by then. We stood out in his driveway for awhile kissing. Because that's all he can do. Of course while we were kissing he mentioned that he was leaving in 16 days too. We said goodbye and that was it.

I don't know what to really think. Do I really want a relationship that I have to drive 4 hours to see him on the weekends and vice versa? He is a great guy too, that's the crappy part! Yeah I know talking to him about this would probably help, but I didn't know how to bring it up and I didn't want to talk to him about it while he was loopy on pills. Part of me would like it to maybe work, but then part of me thinks to just let him go and find someone in a 35 mile radius.

The rest of my week was pretty unremarkable until Friday night when I went to the Madison Mallard game which is a minor league team. They have this thing called the Duck Blind. All you can eat and drink for $30.00. I'm in heaven. Of course I'm the type of girl to get my monies worth too damn it! And of course I'm the type of girl to think that after the game it's a good idea to have 1/2 the baseball team sign your chest. No and I'm not talking about my t-shirt one saw any boobs though, it was strictly above that area, but who wouldn't want 19-20 year old signing them? You know those guys felt like rock-stars. It was a damn good night!

After my drunkenness of having guys sign my chest, we went to another hick town bar and hung out there. One older guy in a wind breaker made the comment that he liked looking at my chest while I was picking songs out on the juke box. Right dude, you are wearing a wind breaker....

My other odd thing that happened this weekend was that on Sunday morning I was sleeping cuz that's what I do so well, I got a text..........from Med Student. WTF? I haven't heard from him since our Saturday afternoon delight.

Med Student: Sleepover?

Ummm yeah, it's 9am and you are asking me to sleep over? Huh? So, I just ignored it. Well at 2pm he then texts me again and says this:

Med Student: Maybe next time then?

Again, huh? I dunno, part of me was a little curious but then part of me wants to make him chase me and work for it a little more. So I didn't respond....

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