Monday, August 3, 2009

City livin'

You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl. Is that how the saying goes? Well it's something like that.


I traveled to the big city of NYC last week. While it's standard for me to have a vacation hook up, I have come to write to tell you, I had no chances whatsoever to hook up w/ a cute boy on this trip. Reason #1, I was surrounded by gay guys. Yeah, my options were limited.

Aimee told me I had to give her a shout out in this blog. So, here is your shout out Aimee. THANKS FOR TAKING ME TO THE AIRPORT!!!!!!!!!

During the trip I rarely thought about boys, which was actually kind of nice! I didn't talk to Ray or CBB at all during the trip, minus the Saturday texts they sent me. It was nice not having to think/worry about anything really.

Of course when we got back I went right back to thinking about cute boys mode and totally wanted the waiter at The Cheesecake Factory. Somethings will never change.

As for CBB, you all saw the last text update, well I called him before I left for NYC. On Saturday he sent me a text saying "Hey call me when you are free, I'm going in for surgery" I called him last night after I got home and he was clearly doped up on drugs. He knew it was me and asked when I got done w/ work on Monday, so he said if he doesn't call me back by 4:30 tomorrow that I should call him. I couldn't help but laugh since he was so delirious.

Anyways, since CBB hasn't pulled this kind of crap on me before, I'm going to choose to believe that he did loose his phone for a week and well that he tore one of his muscles.

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