Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 beer buzz date

While I thought things were going pretty darn good w/ Kurt (read my last post and then you will see that is a big fat NO) Last week, one of the guys had text me. We had been texting/barely talking since the beginning of November. I had then began my quest with Kurt, so I wasn't overly concerned w/ Gfunk. He had text me asking if I wanted to hang out sometime last weekend. I thought hard about it and wasn't sure if I should. I have always been a 1 person kind of girl. While there is nothing wrong w/ dating two people at once, I just never get that opportunity for it to ever happen. EVER.

I decided to go out w/ Gfunk, though I felt guilty as hell (I think that's a Catholic thing, feeling guilt) We decided to get together Sunday night for a beer, since I owed him one from him guessing that my sister is Angie Hellenbrand. Yes, I had found a military boy that works with my sister. While this does seem like a bad formula, seeing as one of the last jerkwads I went out w/ worked w/ Angie and was a military boy. From what Angie said, he seemed like a nice guy (she had seen him one day at the chili cook off, well if he likes chili that's a great start!)

We met up at Pooley's on the East side on a Sunday night, seriously, I was ready to go to bed at this point and here I am meeting up for drinks. Right away, I thought he was by far the cutest guy. The others were decent looking, but he had the look I like. Tall, man I like tall guys. And military and dressed good. Cha-Ching!

We started talking, he bought me the first beer. It was good conversation. Again though, it was first date conversation. Blah. I then proceeded to buy the 2nd beer. We just kept talking. By the middle of the 3rd beer, I hit a funky beer buzz. I just started rambling like a mad women about topics. On and on I went. I don't know what came over me, besides that I was just buzzed and wanted to talk. I bet he thought "great I get to be her therapist for the night" no worries, I didn't start crying by any means. But I just turned into random chick talking.

By 10:20pm, I was getting tired and starting to realize I just was a rambling fool at that point. We called it a night. He walked me out and gave me a hug and said good bye. There wasn't any "I'll call you" but there was a hug. I have no freaking clue what that means. And honestly, it's been 2ish days. If he wants me, he knows where to find me. I'm not worried by it.

At this point, I might just stick to kissing cute random guys at bars. Screw dating.

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