While emailing back and fourth with boy #2 from Match.com, who we shall call P. Hally. He invited me to the Brink Lounge where he bartends on the weekends. While this doesn't count for a date, I do feel the need to let everyone know how this encounter went.
I had to drag my friend Louise (and yes I did have to drag her out, due to the fact we both ran a hellish 1/2 marathon we were sore that we couldn't walk) My plan was to arrive at 7pm and stay for around 2 hours to check him out and what not. At 7 we arrived and took a seat at the bar. Bartender had said he was the only male bartender on staff. Upon review we noticed there were no male bartenders at all. Just female bartenders. Ummm ok? We ordered a drink and sat there chit chatting wondering where the hell he was. I was tempted to ask the female bartender if there was a P. Hally working just to make sure we were in the right place. Finally at around 8pm a male bartender arrived and sure enough it was P.Hally. Right away he gave me a double take. We both had the "ok, I think that is the person I have been talking to, but I just need to look again and make sure" I then sat there not sure what I should say. I totally drew a mind blank. So, Louise, being the great friend she is, said she would go to the bathroom, so I could flag him down. Well at that point he decided to hide behind the bar area so I couldn't get his attention. Finally he came back around and I waved a bit and said "What you aren't even going to say hi to me?" He then proceeded to laugh and say he figured it was me sitting there but he didn't want to be an idiot and say something if it wasn't me. We all then started talking to each other, he was very friendly to me and Louise.
All 3 of us talked for a good hour, and at the point Louise had to leave for her Halloween party. It was almost 9:30 by then, I wasn't sure if I stayed there, he would view me as a dork just hanging out w/ him. So I asked him if it was cool if I hung out for a bit more w/ him. He was totally cool with it and said he liked talking to me (yeah!!!!) Our conversation was very good, he talked a ton about himself, yet asked me a ton of questions. He is a very open and honest guy about online dating. Which was actually kind of nice to hear someone be that open about it. And being on Match.com there is no reason to not be open and admit the fact you are seeing someone from the site later that week either. I'm sure most people wouldn't enjoy the fact he was saying that, but it put alot of things in perspective for me about being that open.
At about 11 I was getting tired (stupid 1/2 marathon) and decided things were going pretty good at that point, that I felt confident enough leaving and I didn't want to be to annoying while I sat at the bar. We mingled for another 15min saying goodbye, where he finally got my number because I wouldn't give it to him right away (gotta make them work for it!)
While this wasn't a "date" I thought it was a great way to meet up w/ him. I left feeling pretty confident that I will get a phone call from him.
I give the meet up a 8.5/10. :)
oh AND he gave me a few free drinks while I sat there-Coffee flavored vodka mixed w/ cream (OMG) so good! Key lime martini and wedding cake martini. Bonus points for this guy!
1 comment:
Ok. . now i'm offically your follower. Sounds promising, I hope he calls!
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