Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Update #2


PBR came over Saturday night. I made spaghetti for dinner for us to eat. We sat on the couch and watched TV and talked and hung out. It was nice.

Do I know where this is going? No.

Has he called me since Sunday morning when he left? No.

Has it only been 2 days? Yes.

Has he made plans to hang out w/ me again? No.

Do I tend to freak out when 8 billion people ask me what's going on w/ him? Yes.

He made the comment to my friend Katie that he liked my cooking and that he felt bad that we went to bed early.

That is all I know folks. I'm trying to not think about it and worry.

Friday, January 23, 2009

First dates are awesome when they don't feel like first dates.....

Long story short of how I met PBR.

My friend Katie, is dating his roomate Travis. One night we went out and I asked Travis if he had any single guy friends for me. He showed me a picture of PBR and said he was single. I thought he was cute, so without me knowing, Travis took a picture of me and sent it to PBR. PBR then said he thought I was cute too. That was a month ago too. Last week me, Katie and Louise decided to go out and celebrate the beginning of our semester. The night before Katie told me that she invited Travis and his roommate out w/ us. When I first saw PBR I thought he was really cute still, we hung out w/ everyone that night and then two days later he called me and I invited him to go out to the Essen Haus for my sister's birthday. Him, Katie and Travis came out w/ us for a bit. PBR then said he would take me to dinner one night this week.

Probably because I've hung out w/ PBR two times before our date, I felt like we had already gone through the awkwardness of the first date questions and boring conversation.

We met up at his apartment to go to dinner. I bet your expecting me to write about how he knocked my socks off, w/ his impressive outfit, car and swagger. Nahh, he didn't. And I think that's what impressed me even more about him. He's a very simple (simple in a good way) guy.

We were really clicking over dinner. No silences in the conversation, I felt like this was our 5th date. We just had that comfort of talking to each other. It felt awesome. He's funny, very cute, has a great job, an awesome personality that match's mine and actually gets my sense of humor.

After dinner, we went back to his place and hung out.

Ta-da! The end!

OK ok, I knew you wouldn't accept that..

Without going into to many details.

We kissed. We kissed alot. He is a VERY good kisser. That is all we did. I promise.

And he said the 3 words every girl wants a guy to say when they first start hanging out...

"I like you" awwwww.

Date rating: 9.5/10

Monday, January 19, 2009

Well that went down hill fast...

I dunno how it happened, but I went from thinking Justin the Marine was cool, to OMG shut up and don't ever talk to me again.

We text and talked through out the week. But instead of feeling excited about him, I started to dread talking to him. One reason is because he had a crappy phone and the connection sucked, so half the time I had to say "huh" cuz I couldn't understand what the crap he was saying. Other than that, I didn't feel like we were meshing at all.

We went to dinner at Panera and then to the movie Grand Turino (however you spell it) and I honestly think my highlight of the night was the movie and my 1/2 asiago beef sandwich. That thing was goooooooooooood! Right away the moment we sat down I wanted to scream. It was obvious to me we just weren't clicking at all. As soon as I could tell we weren't clicking I just shut down, I didn't want to be there one bit.

During the movie he talked, he talked a ton. I HATE when people talk during movies. Hate hate hate it! I wanted to throw something at him.

We left the movie and he asked if I liked it. I said "yeah it was interesting" he asked if that was code word for me thinking it was boring. Umm no, if I thought it was boring, I would tell you it was boring.

He took me back to my car. I think the first part of the date he was thinking things were going good, but by the end I'm sure he knew something was up. We said good bye and that was it.

There is a newer prospect out there that I might be just a little bit more interested in...

Stay tuned to Friday morning for the details on our date Thursday night. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Snow date!

Oops I did it again...

I went out w/ another guy in the military. Or I guess I should say was in the military. I think it's the uniforms or something, but I'm drawn to them. Even when I was running circles at the Princeton Club this morning I couldn't help but stare at the army guy. Though I'm sure I looked horrible w/ no makeup or the whole I haven't showered in a few days look.

It's funny how I go into cycles, one day I want to be in a relationship and date and then the next I have no interest in it. On Christmas night I was all by myself watching The Notebook (insert awww isn't she lame) and figured I should reactivate my Match.com account since I had 3 weeks left of my subscription. The next day at work was super duper slow at work so I decided to troll the Match.com site looking for my next victim...or man I should say.

The new Marine emailed me first (since I have a rule that I don't wink or email at people) he emailed me a joke which I thought was funny yet I figured he went around and sent that joke to every girl, which one of my pet peeves of men on Match.com is the mass email they send to every girl saying: "I read your profile and really liked it! You seem fun and interesting, lets email and get to know each other." That is SO annoying. So, what did I do? I called him out on his joke email telling him I figured he sends that to every girl. And from there we emailed for a week, I then went to Florida and when I came back I emailed him. Before I left for Florida I was thinking of asking him out myself but my sister told me to at least wait for him to ask me. And me being lazy I figured why not, I'm sick of putting myself out there and asking a guy to do something and being turned down. When I came back and emailed him he asked me if I wanted to go sledding. I haven't sled in 10 years and I'm not much of a snow person in general, but I thought it was a cool fun date idea.

We talked briefly on the phone a few days before the date. I was a little scared because our conversation wasn't all star conversation, it was pretty brief, so I thought that the date would be a disaster. (Yeah I had to have Betsy and Melissa tell me to knock it off and stop worrying)

I arrived at Radar Hill, which apparently is better sledding than Elver Hill. Right away I thought he was an attractive guy. Nice smile and nice eyes. I of course was looking my very best in snow pants. Our conversation was good, he has a ton of funny good stories, and he was asking me questions too. It was nice to have something different for a date too. Since it was a different setting that I'm used to, I didn't feel like I was on a date with him, which then made me feel more comfortable and not having cookie cutter conversation. As the date progressed it started to feel more relaxed and I started to be more myself instead of first date Andrea. We went up and down the hill a ton of times, having so much fun. I of course whiped out a few too many times. And he of course made fun of me. Which I like! So I of course started making fun of him too. It was just fun. We were sledding for a good hour and a half, and at that point we started to get cold, he said he had hot cocoa for us, but it was going to be an experiment. I'm thinking to myself, what the heck is he talking about? We go over to his truck and he busts out his camping gear kind of things. Keep in mind I don't camp all to often, so I probably won't have the right terminology. Anyways, he had a mobile heater thing and a separate thing filled w/ water. So there we sat on the back of his truck talking while we waited for the water to heat. It was so different and funny. He was that much of a planner and even brought marshmallows. I was thoroughly impressed with his creativeness. And I can say I have never had a guy make me hot cocoa like this. It was cute.

He asked me if I wanted to hang out w/ him again and I said I did. No clue what we will do on date number 2, but I'm sure it will be something different.

Date rate: 8.75/10